UAE condemns Israel's decision to confiscate UNRWA HQ


The UAE strongly condemned Israel’s decision to confiscate the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) headquarters in occupied East Jerusalem to build a new settlement.

Minister of State for International Cooperation, Reem Bint Ebrahim Al Hashimy, expressed the UAE’s complete rejection of humanitarian headquarters and all acts aimed at altering the historical and legal status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

She commended UNRWA for its endeavours to assist the brotherly Palestinian people in overcoming the challenging humanitarian conditions under the Israeli occupation.

"The UNRWA complex, located in Ma'alot Dafna, Jerusalem, is planned to become a housing project with 1,440 units," according to the Jerusalem Post. 

The far-right deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Aryeh King, has repeatedly demanded in recent months the establishment of thousands of illegal units to expand the Ma'alot Dafna settlement.

Illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have steadily increased over the last few years. 

The recent announcement comes after the Israeli Knesset passed a first draft bill to designate UNRWA as a terrorist organisation. A second and third reading are expected over the coming week. 

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